
My robot is ACTIVE , but how can I let it express that?

Robots going social – Over 40 reusable,
behavioral expressions for your robot design.

Welcome to the Robot Behavior Pattern Wiki for Human-Robot-Interaction

You are a designer or software developer working with social robots and constantly looking to make its behavior comprehensive and pleasant for the user? 

Based on extensive research in user experience design and ethics, our Pattern Wiki provides design recommendation for expressing over 40 different states and intentions communication goals of a robot. Our patterns are modular – you can use and combine them as required for your project and specific robot. 

How to find what you need

Categories you’ll find patterns for

Having a conversation

Conversating is one of our most important tools achieving a successful communication. Many robots are designed to communicate via speech – but how can non-verbal expressions be used to enhance communication?

Browse patterns for conversation-related robot behavior.

Communicating robot state

To be able to anticipate (future) actions of the robot, the user needs to understand the current state of the robot. Thus, it is important to make sure that the current state of the robot is always visible to the user.

Browse here for ideas how to express the current state of the robot.

Giving feedback

Feedback is an important design principle in interaction design. There are several ways a robot can react to a user input.

Browse patterns that can be used to let the robot provide feedback to the user. 

Communicating background activity

Internal processing of the robot is hardly ever visible from the outside. In these situations, it might be difficult for the user to understand what is going on and what is going to happen next. 

Browse here to discover ways to let your robot communicate background activity.

Expressing an emotion

Social interaction is often accompaigned by emotions. You want to make your robot an empathic interaction partner for the user?

Browse patterns for emotional expressions of a robot.

Playing a game

At home, social robots are often used for entertainment purposes. Meaningful behavior can make your robot more engaging and fun to play with.  

Browse game-play related patterns.  

Composed and Atomic Patterns

The Pattern Wiki is structured by different categories that will help you to find the right patterns for your design problem. Within each category, you will find two types of patterns: Atomic Patterns and Composed Patterns.

 Atomic patterns 
… are the smallest building blocks of the robot’s behavior. You can combine different atomic patterns to create your own behavioral expressions according to your needs.  

Composed patterns
…are combinations of atomic patterns that describe a bit more complex behavioral expressions for social robots – ready to use for various interaction scenarios.