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„I am ready to interact with you and capable of initiating interaction by myself.”


Interaction Situation

This is the default behavior when the robot is turned on and currently not carrying out any other specific pattern.



Let the robot express that:

Let the robot express that: 

  • It is ready to carry out an action using an open, upright posture. (Ready) 
  • It directs its attention towards the user using a user-oriented positioning in the room, letting robot and user face each other. (Attentive) 
  • Its operation mode is <on> setting the status light to permanently glowing. (Operation_mode_On) 


Optionally, the robot could also express: 

  • That it is alive through idle movements of body, facial parts or on the floor. (Lively) 

Related patterns:

Needs: Ready AND Attentive AND Operation Mode On 

Is Extended by: Lively 

Opposed patterns: all other composed patterns – two composed patterns can never be executed at the same time

