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„I am processing what I just learned from you. This will take some time – I will tell you when I am ready.”


Interaction Situation

The user has provided some information to the robot. The robot indicates that it has perceived that information, but does not respond right away with a consecutive action, as it needs a few seconds to process the user’s input. 


Although computer systems are usually able to respond instantly to user input, this might not be perceived as a natural conversation. Also, sometimes the processing of the input needs some extra time. This response delay needs to be clearly indicated by the robot, so that the user understands that her input was indeed perceived by the robot.  



Let the robot express that:

  • It is focused on internal processing through a body posture that is averted from the user. (Inside turn) 
  • It is in the process of processing/ loading some information through a light animation or movement. (Loading animation) 
  • Its operation mode is <on> setting the status light to permanently glowing. (Operation mode on) 

Related patterns:

Needs: Inside turn AND Loading animation AND Operation mode on 

Opposed patterns: all other composed patterns – two composed patterns can never be executed at the same time

