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" I am changing to a state where I am ready to interact with you straight away.”


Interaction Situation

The robot’s posture indicates an Inside_Turn. It receives a trigger (from user or context) that an active interaction with the user is required and therefore needs to change to being Ready. This change in the internal state of the robot needs to be made visible to the user to prepare her for the upcoming interaction.  



Let the robot express that:

Play a jingle with an ascending series of tones to emphasize the booting process. 

Related patterns:

Extends: Becoming inactive

Opposed patterns: Going to Sleep



Computers have made use of sounds that accompany their booting process since forever. The sound serves as a reference to processes loading in the background as well as an indication when the loading process is finished. In the google Material Design Styleguide, to is recommended to use upward motion of tones  to express starting. 


References and further reading: