Not Understanding**

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„I know that you just provided some information, but I do not understand.“


Interaction Situation

The user has made an input. The robot indicates that it is aware that the user made the input and registered that input, but could not interpret it. This could be either due to failure to record the input or to extract its semantic meaning. 


In social interaction it can happen that an utterance or non-verbal behavior is not understood by the interaction partner. In this case, clarification or repetition is required. 



Let the robot express that:

  • It directs its attention towards the user using a user-oriented positioning in the room, letting robot and user face each other. (Attentive) 
  • The information recording or processing failed using an unambiguous light or sound signal. (Input processing failed) 
  • Its operation mode is <on> setting the status light to permanently glowing. (Operation mode on) 

Related patterns:

Needs: Attentive AND Input processing failed AND Operation mode on

Opposed patterns: all other composed patterns – two composed patterns can never be executed at the same time

